Fair Play provides film productions with stand-by trusted persons who are actively on site during filming. As a point of contact for all team members, this external, independent person offers support in difficult situations and helps to promote a respectful and fair working environment.
Our certified coaches and trainers specialise in the topics of discrimination, sexual harassment, abuse of power and boundary violations. They support those affected and work with those responsible to define the necessary steps for clarification and conflict resolution. In doing so, we work closely with the THEMIS Vertrauensstelle and our experienced labour lawyer Dr Timm Jordans, who examine the consequences under labour law at short notice and have many years of experience with complaints procedures.
💡 Stand-by trusted person in acute cases: Liaison officers come to the film location at short notice to moderate conflicts and initiate the necessary steps together with the production company.
🎯 Process support: Support in acute incidents as well as prevention and conflict resolution.
⚖️ Legal advice: In the event of a conflict, specific legal advice can be provided by the THEMIS confidentiality centre and our labour law experts.